Friday, April 24, 2015

Creating Your Website

Digital Photo students will begin creating their websites this week. By the end of the week, students will have created their site and their "about me" page. Students will send me the link before class ends Friday.

Three students from each of the four Digital Photo classes met online and decided to use Weebly for our class websites. The twelve students will communicate other decisions in the future.

If students have not been able to complete the assignment before Friday, students can refer to these images I took last year. After the student chooses the weebly subdomain, the student continues to the new site and adds "about me" information. Each student has already chosen their best photo to use on the new website.

Please replace the template photos on the site so that you have created all photos, with the possible exception of your profile photo. If one of your classmates took your profile photo, please seek permission and give proper credit.

Be prepared to explain why you deserve a high grade for your project. Why is it good?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

And the winner for Best Picture

Before you create your Weebly website, you will choose your best photo and research other photographers' websites. (The online group of twelve Photo 1 students decided to use Weebly instead of Wix.)

1. Choose your best picture - this one photo will tell the viewer who you are as a photographer (this is the most difficult part of the assignment). It is the first image people will see when launching your website.
2. Post your post picture in a Blogger blog post (before creating your Weeebly site)
3. Find five About (or Info) pages of photographers that you like. Post those links. (This is an individual assignment)

We are going to share our best pictures at the beginning of class; then you will create your Weebly site and add your best picture to your Weebly photography website (do not chose the weebly blog option.

When you are finished with this assignmentt,email the link

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Photo Story MCW

Your Multi-cultural Week photo story is due today; however, I extended the deadline to the beginning of class tomorrow. You are graded on image quality and your ability to tell a story.

You were to tell a story with 5 to 7 pictures. Last week I gave the example using the booth that sold Kentucky Fried Chicken.

5 to 7 images
  1. Boxes of chicken (at the KFC)
  2. People buying chicken
  3. People eating the chicken
  4. People throwing chicken boxes
  5. People cleaning up the booth\
  6. People dancing like a chicken (this image can be anywhere and/or included throughout. For example, someone could dance like a chicken while eating chicken)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Movie Monday - Eugene Smith

Last Monday we began watching the W. Eugene Smith documentary "Photography Made Difficult." Gene Smith was a master photo storyteller who often spent weeks preparing stories. His photo essays are classics. Last week, we studied his 1948 photo essay Country Doctor.

Today you will continue watching the documentary. (If for some reason, you are unable to watch any video, continue working on your photo story that is due at the beginning of class Tuesday.)

Part 3.
Part 4
Part 5a
Part 5b

Last week, we also learned that "after Smith learned how to make a single beautiful photograph, he became a master a telling stories with groups of photos. So, what is your best single photo? You do not need to answer this question on Monday, but you will need to answer this question a few more times before you finish the school year.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Story with a photo - and then your title

Begin class by reviewing Eugene Smith's Country Doctor photo essay (or photo story). 

I will share my recent blog post and my story telling process. 

your story
by telling stories

Today you will post one of your photos and write something about the photo. Publish and share the post. Tell me when you are done.

Please do not title the post "and then your title" 


Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Write a story
Share a story
Tell me you are finished

When you finish, research Eugene Smith's Country Doctor photo essay (or photo story).

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

Synthesizing your lessons.
Pair with someone not in your group.

In the post, mention your partner or partners.

Lens Blog Photo
1. Fast or slow - why?
2. One rule of composition per person, with an explanation.
3. Element of Art - list one with an explanation
4. Principle of Design - list one with an explanation

Each person post on your blog... first twenty five minutes of class.

On the same post, publish one photo from "Tuesday with Farley's Kids"
In the caption area, list (or guess) the shutter speed.